Saturday, April 25, 2009

My 1st Award

Ari ni (25/04/2009) blog ku tlah menerima 1st award dr blog sembangketapang (mmg ku kenal sngat ngan blog ni.. hehe.. adeler..) nice award actually.. thanks dear.. so bg sesape yg sudi memberi ku award ku trima ngan bab kate org kecik tapak tngan seluruh blog ku tadahkan.. hek hek hek.. so for all have a nice wekend.. let's enjoy the award..

my 1st collection

4 kata-kata manis:

dex said...

efa.. wah2 dpt award gitu.. eh bley x share kan link template ko ni. cam elegant jek.. aku ni x tukar2 lagi layout blog aku.. huhu

efamaira said...

dex nti aku carikan ek.. aku pun dh lupe ape link dia..

UmiIzz said...

wah,... tahniah dpt award..comelnye sikecik tu..

efamaira said...

hehe.. thanks umidanish..

template by flower brushes by